Belgian Policy on Robbery
At national level an integral and integrated approach of robbery is considered important. For the period 2012-2015 the Belgian government has decided that severe violence crimes (more specifically those that show an organized character), including robbery (Burglaries in houses or other buildings), are one of the security priorities, as stated in the National Security Plan 2012-2015. Severe violence crimes have to be dealt with by means of projects (annual integrated action plans – Strategic Security and Prevention Plans), as stated in the National Security Plan 2012-2015. The national police initiated several integral and integrated projects specifically aimed at travelling offender groups, including crimes as robbery.
At national level, specific attention is also paid to the preventive approach. Concerning robbery, several means (brochures, working groups) are developed to support local authorities in the prevention of robbery, but also to sensitize the citizens concerning robbery.
At local level, different actions are developed, whether or not financially supported by the national of regional government. For example, the Strategic Security and Prevention Plans of the cities and municipalities, granted by the Minister of Home Affairs, often focus on phenomena related to robbery.