
Child Line Campaign “Without Bullying”

Child Line Campaign “Without Bullying”



The fundamental goal of this campaign initiated by “Child Line” in 2004 is prevention of bullying and violence, main focus is paid to cyber-bullying. The campaign is targeted at creating safer environment in schools and kindergartens, but not that only; it aims to secure safer life for adults by focusing on the significance of this problem and the need to raise public awareness.

The “Child Line continues the tradition by announcing March “The Awareness Month without Bullying”. By inviting and proposing solutions to the problem of bullying in society, Child Line encourages anyone who wishes to reduce the incidence of bullying to contribute to this initiative through their activities and ideas.
This year 2020, Awareness Month WITHOUT BULLYING will offer a greater focus on cyberbullying and other degrading behaviors. Children and adolescents often do not tell adults about their painful experiences on the Internet, while bullying in reality often continues and migrates through social networks, virtual games or gadgets.

The website of the campaign is .

Child Line organizes various trainings about effective bullying prevention for children, teachers, parents during all campaign‘s „WITHOUT BULLYING“ period. In these training seminars people are taught how to recognize bullying phenomenon, how to distinguish it from another deviant aggressive behavior and how to react correctly in „here and now“ situations.

Also Child Line has published various methodological material for children, parents, school workers about bullying and prevention - leaflets, flyers, methodological publications, visual methodological material.”


The Project started in  2004 and is still running.
Last review: January 2020.


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