European & Development Programmes Agency’s Projects
- Within the framework of the Actions for the 2014-2020 Programming Period, managed by the European and Development Programmes Agency, the Action "Actions against Radicalization and Extremism" which was co-funded by the Internal Security Fund/Police Cooperation Section, had as deliverables inter alia, the drafting and publication of a Training Manual and two Pocket Guides for the preparation of first-line professionals and other executives in detection of indications of radicalization leading to violent extremism. Within the framework of the above, the Action entitled "Enhancement of Law Enforcement Agencies to identify and counter radicalization and extremism" is about to be implemented and foresees the establishment of a specific methodological framework for risk assessment and evaluation, the creation of a simulation game, the preparation of special recognition indicators, recognition questionnaires and the preparation and conduct of readiness exercises.
- The Action entitled "Collection, Analysis & Dissemination System οf Economic Crime Intelligence (CADIS)" refers to the procurement of Software, Conferences Organization and Personnel Training, in order to enrich the existing data base, modernize the existing system for collecting, analyzing and managing information, optimize the recording of the trends of specific economic crimes (economic fraud etc), recognize the level of threat from such forms of organized crime (at national, European and international level), strengthen the level of information exchange with financial crime agents focusing on the interconnection of information systems an the creation of an interface platform, and finally understand how to act and dismantle criminal organizations which are active in the field of financial crime.
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