Handbook - “How to protect our children from crimes”
In 2014 was elaborated a handbook, including the rights and duties of parents in connection to presenting adequate parental care and preventing children from falling into victimogenic and criminogenic risk. The goal of the handbook is to improve awareness in the family in the crime prevention field, especially among children and teenagers. Early prevention is done mainly through communication in the family.
Some of the topics developed in the handbook are prevention of school bullying, sexual abuse, domestic violence and cyber bullying. This handbook contents various measures that can be undertaken if the child has been a victim of harassment at school, as well as advice on how to protect and how to inform parents, teachers and others. In 2014 were printed and distributed 5000 copies of the handbooks.
- National Police Chief Directorate gdnp_prevencia@mvr.bg
- Union of Brewers in Bulgaria
The project started in December 2013 and is no longer running.
Last review: January 2020.