Intrafamiliaal geweld intersectoraal geweld (Domestic Violence Tackled Intersectorally)
All sectors that are actively involved in fighting domestic violence – police, justice and assistance – are represented in the Think Tank and its working groups. They think that only a goal-oriented approach to violence would eventually result in a univocal strategy to tackle domestic violence in a preventive, curative as well as repressive manner.
Since then, a number of areas of improvement have been pinpointed by mutual agreement based on an integral and integrated approach to domestic violence. In a nutshell, it concerns: an intersectoral scenario, the "relief points domestic violence" (making it possible to refer victims, offenders and couples faster to assistance, resulting in less escalation, less recidivism and less prosecution), diverse prevention and consciousness-raising initiatives, initiatives regarding the right of access, the local social consultation, crisis centre, teaching, training & education, offender therapy, etc.
The broad range of initiatives that has been developed, is intended to stop domestic violence being taboo and to find an appropriate answer to this societal problem.
- A more efficient and effective, but also integral and integrated, approach to domestic violence
- A far-reaching intersectoral collaboration between the police, justice and assistance sectors
- A comprehensive regional approach to domestic violence
- The emphasis on a curative approach to domestic violence
- Providing sufficient relief possibilities and a hotline within the assistance sector
- Stimulating local social consultation
- Searching for solutions concerning the issue of the right of access, and this in the field of verdicts, mediation and execution
- A structural solution for the capacity problem in the crisis relief
- An adequate offer of education / treatment / therapy for offenders
- Teaching, education, sensitization and exchange of knowledge with regard to the various professional groups which are confronted with domestic violence
- Sensitizing both the general public and specific target groups about the issue of domestic violence
- Making children and young people “stronger” by means of education and teaching them how to solve conflicts without resorting to violence
- Searching for good practices in order to detect domestic violence in an early stage, so that action can be taken in order to stop the spiral of violence in time
- Paying more attention to the children's position and welfare in situations of domestic violence
- An oriented approach to domestic violence among immigrants
The project started in 2007 and is still running.
Last review: October 2015