
Knowing of a Valuable Life

The "Learning for a Valuable Life" project has been implemented since 2001. Since then, he has won several local, national and international awards. It focuses on all age categories of the population, including preschool children and various helping professions. It is a form of educational and publishing activities, self-defense courses and counseling. Priority focuses on: prevention of drug, property, violence and internet crime, prevention of trafficking in human beings, programs aimed at positive motivation and elimination of hate speech in society. Part of the project is to work with a marginalized community in the form of the so-called "Roma patrol", which performs mediation and patrol activities there. An innovative form of the project is the use of canistherapy (work with a therapeutic dog) in the prevention of crime. The project is based on creating active cooperation at local, regional and national level. Adequate attention is paid to work with media and publishing.


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