Prevention and investigation of child pornography cases on the Internet – a partnership of the Romanian Police with the General Police Directorate in Norway
The project focuses on 2 major guide lines:
- enabling children to recognize abusive behaviour online and to report it;
- enabling children to become aware of the fact that images displayed online are permanent and can produce harm (especially if they contain abusive or embarrassing elements)
The project includes a prevention campaign developed as:
- an information endeavour through the media by the broadcasting of 1 video and 1 audio spots on national TV and radio as well as promotional materials (posters, leaflets)
- preventive activities in schools – 1 school/county=41 schools + 1 school in every district in Bucharest = 47 schools in total.
The activities are conducted as meetings with the youngsters and their teachers to debate on the dangers of surfing the net and the protection measures they can take to prevent their own victimization by sexual offenders online. The follow up of these meetings is insured by contests for the children regarding safety online to be rewarded with winner prizes.
Chief Commissioner SIPOS HELEN
Crime Research and Prevention Institute
General Police Inspectorate Bucharest
The project started in 2010 and is now finished.
Last review: January 2020.