
Project I am a fan Gandire Fresh

In 2011, the Project “Fan gandirefresh” started as part of Crime Prevention Strategy at the level of the capital of Romania, under the direct coordination of the Prefect of Bucharest.

The aim of the project was to decrease juvenile delinquency risks and victimization and its objectives are: identifying the causes and the favorable conditions of risk behaviors, developing abilities for a crimeless life and non-violent alternatives of spending the spare time for vulnerable teenagers, increasing the law knowledge degree for youths and a better communication with them (at school and online).

Within the Strategy was created the site: and Facebook page, with the same designation, thus being the only inter-institutional site for safety of teenagers and youths in Romania. In the high schools where repetitive violent events occurred, Clubs “gandirefresh” were formed and extra school activities are taken place weekly.

In addition to these, every year, during the summer holidays, Preventive Summer School is organized under different topics, for 2017, the subject being “Cyber crime prevention”. The target group was represented by teenagers over 14 years old (age of criminal responsibility for children in Romania).

Preventive Summer School aimed to offer the pupils alternatives for spending spare time, in a pro-social way and for their personal development. The pupils belonging to the target group were informed about the risks of using online communication networks. The information was offered both by the specialists in different fields of activity (communication, image, photo, psycho-aesthetics, IT, addiction) and police officers from the Analyses and Crime Prevention Department, structure of General Directorate of Bucharest Police. Hence, the pupils found out that they can report an online environment abuse to the authorities, either to the police station or accessing the sites:,, also active on the site offered to the teenagers regarding the safety in online environment was materialized in a vlog (“Civics Games”) that sends preventive messages to other youths and the information about an online application to test the vulnerability degree of virtual environment. Since the startup of the project “Fan gandirefresh” till now, 750 activities have been accomplished by the clubs, with beneficiaries: 8.544 pupils and 825 teachers. Every year, the number of online viewers has increased from 7.800 in 2013 to 22.612 in 2016 and only in the first semester of 2017 were registered 13.128 viewers.