Research on sexual crimes against minors
The prevention of sexual abuse, in general, and child sexual abuse in particular, is one of the most difficult institutional endeavours.
Usually, preventive programmes are not polyvalent, reuniting multiple social actors which could contribute. The informative endeavour, especially performed by police prevention units, should be sustained by social preventive actions with a double orientation:on one hand, towards the inhibition of factors that lead to the inadecvate development of the individual and his family, and on the other hand, towards the improvement of children’s life competences, elimination of parental flaws, the creation of proper intellectual and moral evolution in the family and improvement of the educational environment of the child.
Thus, public protection services and educational facilities should interveneante factum by developing social and educational preventive programmes, especially in the risk areas described in the present research.
Based on the elements of ethiology this research has pointed out, some preventive directions may be outlined, some initiated solely by the specialized crime prevention police units, others by the joint efforts of social protection services, educational facilities/schools and local public authorities