Theatre FestivalArsPraeventiva– The faces of technology
The Crime Research and Prevention Institute within the Romanian General Inspectorate of Police (IGPR), with the support of BSA | The Software Alliance, organized, in the school year 2013-2014, a theatre festival for Bucharest highschools students, called ArsPraeventiva, dedicated to addressing the threats that the use of new technologies raise for a vulnerable segment of the population – young people, namely preventing youth from becoming victims as well as perpetrators in cybercrime.
Participants (high-school students) creatively engaged in writing theatrical plays with preventive messages and stories inspired from the use of technology and, then, in a second phase, such plays were put on stage by the writers’ peers, Bucharest high-school students activating in high-school amateur theatrical companies.
The organizers invited a large range of partners for this first edition – educational authorities, a Bucharest theatre, technology companies and association, the media, thus ensuring a successful project with minimum resources, as the efforts were mainly in-kind contribution and voluntary work from organizers and partners.
The Project started in September 2013 and run till May 2014. It may run every school year, on different themes.
Last review: January 2020.