
"Vantaan turvallisuustalkoot" - The Vantaa City Crime Prevention Programme

The City of Vantaa is a young town, founded in 1974. There has occurred a strong migration, rootlessness and high level criminality (crimes against property, disorderly behaviour, vandalism). At town centres there have been disturbances (specially at night time), disturbant behaviour of children and young people and a risk of them drifting into a criminal career. Neighbourhoods are often perceived as unpleasant and unsafe areas.

In the Vantaa City Crime Prevention Programme, the mass criminality is tackled with active cooperation of different partners (recognition of "strong signals") and specially focusing on early prevention (recognition of "weak signals" ). The main themes are safety in the population centres of the city, safety in the neighbourhoods, enhancing self-control in the lives of children and young people, supporting good parenthood and giving information on crime prevention. On these bases different kinds of projects and partnerships have been set up. Some of these projects have become permanent activities.


Riitta Koivisto, project manager
Kielotie 21, 01300 Finland


The project started in 1999 and is still running.
Last review: October 2017.


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