Toolbox - family-based crime
Three papers make up the EUCPN toolbox on family-based crime:
Theoretical background
The focus of this paper is twofold. First, it outlines the phenomenon of family-based crime. Crime sometimes runs in families, a phenomenon to which several factors may contribute. The most important factors are discussed here, and put into context by sketching three cases. Second, the paper translates what we know about family-based crime into a theoretical basis for prevention. It emphasises the importance of a systematic and integrated approach to preventing family-based crime.
Effective prevention
This paper lists seven different types of preventive interventions for family-based crime, targeting different phases of the processes that lead to crime. It indicates for each one how it works, which prevention mechanisms it activates, to what extent its effectiveness is supported by evidence, and what it might contribute to the fight against family-based crime. Ideally, different types of interventions are combined into an integrated approach to prevent family-based crime.
European Crime Prevention Award 2020
This paper reports on the 2020 edition of the European Crime Prevention Award, organised by the German Presidency of the EUCPN. This paper outlines the nine projects or programmes that competed in the contest, with a special focus on the top three and the jury’s assessment of them.
This toolbox has been developed by the EUCPN Secretariat
in close collaboration with the German Presidency.
Published: December 2020