
EUCPN toolbox: work-related crime

Work-related crime refers to all infractions of laws and regulations regarding salary and employment, benefits, taxes and duties. This includes labour exploitation, forced labour, and trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation, as well as all criminal activities that may be related to, or indicative of, these crimes: benefit fraud, tax evasion and money laundering, breaching workplace safety regulations, salary extortion, and so on. 

Part 1: "Labour exploitation and other work-related crime: a problem analysis and prevention framework" (Published: June 2023)
There are different prevention strategies, each with their own benefits and disadvantages. Victim-oriented approaches include awareness programmes for potential victims, as well as victim identification and assistance. Buyer-oriented strategies target both personal and corporate buyers, and aim to shrink the market for services and goods produced by exploited labour. Offender-oriented approaches have the objective to create an environment that is risky and unrewarding for offenders to operate in. The latter may be achieved by a mix of criminal justice and administrative probes that benefits from increased information sharing between authorities and across borders.

Part 2: "Labour exploitation: situational prevention" (Published: December 2024)
This Toolbox makes a case for the situational prevention of labour exploitation by creating an environment in which it is riskier and less rewarding for offenders to engage in this type of crime.