EUCPN toolbox: work-related crime Labour exploitation and work-related crime: a problem analysis and prevention framework
Latvian Policy on Prostitution and Trafficking for sexual exploitation Latvia Trafficking in human beings National policy 2014
Anti-trafficking Infotrailer This is the Latvian ECPA entry for 2014. The theme was Trafficking in Human Beings. Latvia Trafficking in human beings Initiatives ECPA Victims 2014
Youth Against Drugs This is the Latvian ECPA entry for 2015. The theme was Cybercrime. Latvia Cybercrime Drugs/alcohol Initiatives ECPA Youth 2015
Research on police officers and candidates for police work attitude towards domestic violence. In this research the attitude towards domestic violence of two different groups was evaluated. The participants were divided into 2 groups (60 participants, who have experience in... Latvia Research 2015