This theoretical paper is published by the EUCPN Secretariat in connection with the theme of the Slovakian Presidency, which was organised crime targeting elderly people. The...
The 10th toolbox in the series published by the EUCPN Secretariat focusses on the main theme of the Slovakian Presidency and the 2016 Best Practice Conference and European Crime...
Project "Safe Senior" and thereby its main theme "Safe senior in a safe house" was implemented in the third quarter of 2009. Initially, participants in the meetings with officers...
The Action plan on drugs Kempen is based on the fact that the drug problem is expanding and transcends the regional problem. At the same time, a new, innovative approach was needed...
Following the needs of a busy and stressful daily life, young people are increasingly resorting to drugs tempted by curiosity and desire to escape from problems. Through analysing...
This project is an effort to develop social and treatment policies and measures in the framework of the criminal justice system, in order to support drug addicted individuals in...
The project is a unique primary drug prevention program presented in an actual working train with 6 wagons. There are multimedia cinemas in which visitors watch a film based on a...
ECPA 2019 runner-up. The aim of the presented project was to develop, implement and evaluate a new innovative educational and treatment intervention (called BENGALO) for young male...
The Ministry of Interior launch in 2007 a preventive tool to reduce and combat young people drug use, considering the concern detected by the decrease in the ages of beginning in...