This is a collaborative partnership between the law enforcement agency, community members and groups, nonprofit providers and the individuals and organizations to serve to develop...
“Once the cold season starts and night falls early, burglaries are on the rise. Therefore, the police will take action against this type of crime in autumn and winter 2016 and 2017...
ISEC project ‘An integral methodology to develop an information-led and community-orientated policy to tackle domestic burglary (A methodology to tackle burglary)’.
The Limburg project is a coordinated campaign at the provincial level tackling burglary prevention and social security in an integral and integrated manner.
The aim of the program is to help people protect themselves and their properties, reduce fear of crime and improve their local environment by improved home security, greater...
The Hungarian National Crime Prevention Council aimed to show the people the safety level of their homes and to encourage them to think about what they can do to increase this...
This project uses the Community Police together with local territory control services with a view to developing ad hoc prevention activity with regard to house burglaries.